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Fits, Standard 2" Ball Mounts. Ball Hole Size, Hitch Ball - 1" Sway Control Ball - 5/8". Installation Instructions, CLICK HEREWill not adapt to pole tongue trailer frame. Specs. Installation Instructions, CLICK HERE. Features. All Class III and IV hitches View and Download Reese SWAY CONTROL installation instructions online. STANDARD FRICTION SWAY CONTROL. SWAY CONTROL automobile accessories pdf manual trailer tongue causes friction between the friction pads and the spring bars. This friction is what allows this system to provide superior sway control. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Product No. 26660 SWAY CONTROL CANNOT BE USED ON TRAILERS WITH SURGE BRAKES. 1996 REESE PRODUCTS, INC. Measure and record the distance from the ground to the top of the friction pad (X dimension Fig. 8). •Install spring bar - Orient the spring bar/trunnion
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